How Marketers Tap Facebook and Twitter, Apps and Widgets
Digital Marketing Guide: The Social Web
by Abbey Klaassen and Beth Snyder Bulik
Published: March 30, 2009
Questions Answered
Isn't the entire web social these days?
To an extent, yes. If 2008 was the year everyone -- and their grandmas -- joined a social network, then 2009 is the year those networks' social graphs spread their tentacles beyond their borders to other sites across the web. Already it's common for many sites, including major news sources and entertainment properties, to have commenting and sharing features. So we admit the social web is a pervasive concept. But there are several interesting newer developments at Twitter and Facebook, as well as in the widget space and the app world.
What's the story with Twitter?
Twitter is one of the fastest-growing social networks, but it's very different from Facebook and MySpace. The microblog essentially began as a mass text-messaging-meets-instant-messaging utility. You sign up for an account, people follow you, and you follow them. When you "tweet" a message, the folks following you see it instantly on their phones and computers.
Everyone bandies around the term "social graph." What exactly does it mean?
A social graph is a map of a person's connections, through which they communicate and share information. People often talk about social graphs in relation to social networks, such as MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
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